Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Help for Headaches

Here’s heady news: People who suffer from migraines and other kinds of headaches may find relief at the dentist -- yes, I did say the dentist!

The problem for many people is that due to childhood development or sometimes an injury; they grind their teeth or clench their jaws. Over time, this can wear down the teeth, which throws the jaw out of proper alignment. The muscles and teeth start fighting each other resulting in headache, jaw and face pain.

Signs you may have the condition include:

n A clicking sound when you move your jaw
n Frequent headaches, particularly on awakening
n Fatigue
n Sore face muscles
n The feeling the jaw is “locked” first thing in the morning
n Ringing in the ears
n Ears feeling “stuffed up”
n Teeth breaking easily
n Neck pain

You can learn more about neuromuscular dentistry by visiting
