Saturday, July 23, 2005

Recognize the early signs of migraine -- Then act fast!

Heading Off Migraine Pain -
"More than 26 million Americans suffer from the neurologic disorder of migraine, according to the American Medical Association. No medical test exists for migraine, so the diagnosis is based on having some or all of the following symptoms:

* a moderate to severe throbbing pain for four to 72 hours that is frequently on one side of the head (the word migraine comes from the Greek hemicranios, meaning half a head)
* nausea, with or without vomiting
* sensitivity to light and sound

About 15 to 20 percent of migraine sufferers experience visual and other disturbances about 15 minutes before the head pain. These symptoms, collectively known as 'aura,' may include flashing lights, zig-zag lines, bright spots, loss of part of one's field of vision, or numbness or tingling in the hand, tongue, or side of the face. Migraines preceded by an aura are called classic migraines; all others are referred to as common migraines.

Get early treatment to prevent a full-blown migraine."

My Take:

Amen. The migraine is a fierce beast. Once established, expect 3 days of suffering. So don't let it get established. The earlier you take counter-measures, the more effective they will be.

There is one caveat: in the very early stages, the migraine may be subtle. You can mistake a tension headache for a migraine. Over-medicating can lead to the equally bad condition known as "rebound headache."

So pay close attention to the early stages. Record your precise signals.

My best early warning signal is to shake my head vigorously -- often it will feel like it is ready to explode when I had no other indication of an approaching migraine. If I pass the "head shake test," I know I am safe -- for awhile.


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